Strength of Materials” is a basic course for almost all branches of engineering. The subject matter studied in the course, is frequently used in many design papers in higher classes and in design practice. Hence, it is essential that engineering students develop clear concept of the subject. They should have clear ideas about the units to be used. The author has concentrated on these two aspects. The book is written in SI units and the standard notations used in the national codes of practice are strictly adhered to. In the SI units, only unit or unit, where n is a positive or negative integer, is to be used. Hence, the unit centimeter’ should not be used. In general, while writing answers, students copy the style of textbook they refer to. Therefore, they skip many steps while answering if the book adopts to that style. In this book, emphasis has been laid on writing solutions in a systematic way without skipping any step. The book caters to the syllabus of almost all Universities which offer the paper “Strength of Materials”. With emphasis on developing concepts systematically and solving problems clearly, in this book the author hopes that the students will get a strong foundation for studying the design papers in higher classes. The company is proud to have a dedicated team for pre press and post press decision and appreciates their efforts. For the better approach students we are proud to announce our online book shop www.standardbookhouse.in where students and other buyer can buy original latest edition book at convenience of doorstep.
A textbook for all Engineering Branches, Competitive Examination, ICS, and AMIE Examinations In S.I Units For Degree, Diploma and A.I.M.E. (India) Students and Practicing Civil Engineers.
Dr. K.S. Yadav
M.Tech. (Prod. & Thermal Eng.)
M.B.A. (HRM) Ph.D, MNF (MANT.)
ISBN: 978-81-89401-50-4
Pages: 459
Price (Paperback): Rs. 280.00
Price(Hardbound): Rs. 840.00
Edition: 1st, Year- 2016
Size(cms): L-24 B-16 H-2
Strength of Material
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