It gives up great pleasure to present a text book on "Applied Thermodynamics " for the students of second year Mechanical Engineering. Thermodynamics is a basic science related to heat and energy and as such regarded as the core of Mechanical Engineering Curriculum. In this text book subject matter is dealt with strictly as per the new revised syllabus of various university.Every care has been taken to present the matter in the precise and easy language. Simple self explanatory figures are included , so as to enable the students to reproduce the same in the exams. Sufficient number of university problem s, including from recent papers have been solved, this is sure to give great confidence to the students in attempting the problems.All the necessary care has been taken to avoid mistakes and misprints in the book. However, still some errors might have passed unnoticed. Such mistakes in the book if brought to the notice, will be gratefull y acknowledged . Any suggestions to improve the quality of the book will also be highly appreciated.
- All topics included in the chapt ers have been thoroughly described.
- The chapters are arranged such that the beginners will understand the fundamentals of 'APPLI ED TH ERM ODYNAM ICS' and gradually the topics of app l ications of thermodynamics have been developed in sequence. The students would be able to get the fundamental concept about all topics.
- Clear & simple figures have been included in each chapter for better understand ing & also to enable students to draw I reproduce these in the exam i nation easily.
- In the entire book SI system of units is used.
Prof. D.K. Chavan
B.E.(Mech.) Charted EngineerProfessor
In Mechanical Engg. Department
M.M.M College Of Engineering
Prof. G.K. Pathak
Sr. Faculty Member,
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Maharashtra Institute of Technology
M.I.T., Pune – 38
ISBN: 978-81-89401-37-5
PAGES: 721+8
Price (Paperback) Rs.220.00
Price(Hardbound)Rs. 660.00
EDITION: 1st, Year-2010
SIZE: 6.2 X 9.5
Unit of
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Applied Thermodynamics
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